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this is actually pretty inspiring!

Just in time for back-to-school!

I think my favorite part is the empty acronyms where things like HP and AC would go. TG = Teddy Grahams, MM = Mutual Milk 

Wow this is great. So.... how do you want us to handle it if we then go on to make this game? Credit and a link? $$ and licensing? Because this is amazing.


I guess I should put a cc license on these. Please do use these in whatever, and credit/cite so other folks can find it!

Will do. This actually automates my least favorite part of game design (making character sheets) so I kind of want to just do this for every game from now on.


I mean, they're kind of intentionally bad character sheets.

wow stop doing cool inspiring things, no one can be fast enough to create games inspired by all the great things you do! :)




thank you!!